時 間 表Schedules


時間 週五 (9/3)* 週六 (9/4) 週日 (9/5) 週一 (9/6)
7:00 – 7:30 旅途順利 晨更禱告
7:30 – 9:00 早餐/休息 早餐/退房
9:00 – 10:30 主日敬拜/信息4 敬拜/信息6
10:30 – 11:00 小組分享/團體照 頒獎/閉幕
11:00–12:00 報到/入營 專題 出營


12:00 – 14:00 午餐/休息
14:00 – 15:30 敬拜/信息2 郊遊,排球,抓蟹,釣魚,或


15:30 – 16:00 小組分享
16:00–17:30 團體競賽
17:30–19:30 晚餐/休息
19:30–21:00 敬拜/信息1 敬拜/信息3 敬拜/信息5
21:00–21:30 小組分享 營火團契
21:30–22:00 點心
22:30 熄燈

*  在教會舉行

CBCNC Church Retreat 2021

Reminders and Directions to the North Carolina Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell

100 Caswell Beach Road, Oak Island, NC 28465

910-278-9501   (www.fortcaswell.com )


Traveling From Raleigh

Travel East on I-40, just north of Wilmington, take exit #414 and follow signs to Brunswick County Beaches.  Turn off at “Southport-Oak Island” exit and turn left at the bottom of the ramp onto Highway 133.  Follow signs to Oak Island Beaches.  Keep following the sign of Highway 133 South until you see the Golden Corral family restaurant and make a left turn (to Long Beach Rd SE) at that traffic light.  (The sign is still marked as 133 South).  Continue driving 3.5 miles and cross Oak Island Bridge.  After crossing the bridge keep driving for approximately 3 miles you will reach the front gate of North Carolina Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell.


Recreation Facility:

The camp site has two outdoor volleyball courts, a softball field, a horseshoe pit, a shuffleboard court, a tennis court, a fishing pier, a gym and a mini golf.


  1. 舒適的衣服,外套,運動鞋,釣魚和抓螃蟹用具,手電筒,游泳衣,游泳用具等等。
  2. 防蚊劑,防曬油,肥皂,洗髮精和其他用品﹝宿舍供應被單,床單,枕頭和浴巾﹞。
  3. 三歲和三歲以下的小孩需要被單﹝午睡時用﹞和兩件喜歡的玩具﹝請寫上名字﹞。
  4. 聖經,筆,筆記本。
  5. 需用的藥品。

1.        輪子溜,冰鞋滑板。

2.        貴重物品。


  1. 安全開車,準時參加每一聚會。
  2. 報到時間與地點:星期六 (9/4/2021) 上午十一點至下午十二點於Yucca Cottage (或看指示標示)。
  3. 旅途中有任何問題請聯絡項淑南弟兄(手機919-869-6153) 或馬林清弟兄(手機919-928-3198)。